SBC: AudioCodes Mediant Virtual Edition

The AudioCodes multi-service business routers with integrated session border controllers (SBCs) offer exceptional security for telephony solutions.
When connecting existing IP PBX solutions, SIP adaptation or harmonisation between IP PBXs and SIP trunks is no longer sufficient these days. To achieve the required flexibility, but above all to protect networks, more comprehensive functions as required, such as topology hiding, encryption, back-to-back user agents or call admission control. It’s these functions that turn business CPE into real voice firewalls.
The smallest MSBR AudioCodes with 2 basic rate interfaces already offer full, professional SBC functionality and in-depth protection, such as an SBC for several thousand simultaneous calls.
  • Typically operated as an access SBC, e.g. in front of an IMS switching system
    • for customised SIP trunk configurations
    • Harmonisation in terms of connectivity of own corporate customers and third parties’ corporate customers
    • Can be operated as a multi-client SBC or separately to reflect customer and product scenarios
  • Maximum capacity of the SBC software (depending on hardware performance):
    • 9,000 SBC sessions
    • 600 transcoding sessions<
    • 75,000 registrations
  • Can be operated as a hardware appliance or virtual application on a standard industrial server with standard VM operating systems (VMware, HyperV, KVM etc.)
  • HA clusters at one site or as geo-redundant architecture